



pg电子官网州立社区学院提供高速互联网、电子邮件、 通过光纤互连的交换以太网提供网络服务 optic backbone. 该网络提供给WSCC的学生,教师和工作人员使用 and is to be used for education, academic inquiry, and public service only.

学院的网络/互联网为学生提供了一个优质的学习环境 通过推广灵活的教学方式,创新的技术,以及 教学中的最先进概念. 它也有助于增长导向 通过促进教师和员工的专业发展,为员工提供学习环境 opportunities. 通过对学院网络/互联网资源的有效管理 和设施,WSCC作为其社区和地区利益相关者的学习伙伴. 此外,学院的技术基础设施和资源支持学院的 行政和业务流程,从而加强其外联,方案, and services.

Statement of Policy

1.     合乎道德及负责任地使用网络/互联网

a.     All users must be accountable for using these resources in an effective, ethical, and lawful manner. 在任何时间,不需事先通知,pg电子官网州立社区学院 保留检查电子邮件、个人文件目录或任何其他信息的权利 stored on WSCC computers or equipment. 此操作只允许使用express approval of the college president or presidential designee, and/or at the request 授权的执法人员.

b.     适当的系统管理员监视对Internet的访问.

c.     Use of the Internet through college resources constitutes acceptance of such monitoring.

d.     This policy should be read and interpreted in conjunction with all other WSCC 政策,包括但不限于禁止骚扰、歧视、 无礼的行为或不恰当的行为.

e.     Users are prohibited from accessing the Internet for any unethical or immoral purpose, including any activity associated with pornography, obscenity, violence, 赌博,种族歧视,骚扰,个人利益,或任何非法活动.

f.      Users are discouraged from using profanity or vulgarity when posting electronic 透过互联网邮寄或张贴于公众论坛(i.e., news groups). Any electronic 通过邮政发送给公共新闻组的邮件必须符合这些道德标准.

g.     All users must abide by all federal and state laws with regard to information sent through the Internet. 未经授权的发布或披露信息通过 互联网或通过任何其他方式是严格禁止的. Proprietary or confidential information pertaining to the college shall not be transmitted over the Internet.

h.     All users are prohibited from using Internet access through Wallace State’s 任何政治或个人牟利活动的制度.

i.      任何记录的材料必须由用户审核其完整性和适当性. 用户对他们发布的任何内容负责. 特别是,完整性(pg电子官网州立大学) 用于教学目的的首选演示捕获服务)记录应该 be reviewed to ensure they do not contain any extraneous recorded content before, 期间,或与主要内容记录.

j.      Any and all material in violation of this policy shall not be forwarded to pg电子官网州立大学网络内外的任何个人或实体. This restriction includes, but is not limited to, e-mails that are forwarded to other individuals.

k.     Users are forbidden from engaging in any activity which is in violation of 《电子pg游戏官网》(1975)第36-25-1至36-25-30条,并经修订(“州道德”) 法例”),或本会行政当局认为可能违反法例的规定 law.

2.     Accounts

a.     适当的系统管理员必须批准所有帐户并颁发密码 允许访问大学网络/互联网资源. The user must be authenticated through a Wallace State Community College-assigned network user name and password.

b.     用户名和密码,包括用于访问电子邮件或教学的用户名和密码 像Blackboard这样的平台,都是个人的责任 are assigned. 除被指派人员外,其他个人应当 不使用用户名和密码或任何其他分配的授权. Violations 本政策或任何其他政策的未经授权使用的用户名和 密码以用户名和密码分配给的个人为主体 纪律处分,直至开除.

c.     用户在离开工作站时,不应让电脑处于登录状态. The user is responsible for his or her account and any content left on the computer. Leaving an unattended logged-on computer puts the user and the institution at risk.

d.     In the event Wallace State Community College no longer employs an individual, 人力资源部有责任通知适当的系统管理员 关闭前雇员的账户.

e.     Proper identification must be used in any electronic correspondence, and valid, 中的应用程序或服务器需要时提供的可跟踪标识 Wallace State computing facilities.

3.     Software

a.     防止电脑病毒通过系统传播,不得擅自使用 允许下载或安装任何软件. Software downloads and installation 只有在适当的系统管理员批准和/或协助后才能进行.

b.     Streaming media and music and video downloads are prohibited unless authorized 由适当的系统管理员.

c.     点对点(P2P)文件共享是禁止的,除非得到适当的授权 system administrator.

4.     Copyright Issues

a.     All college network/Internet users must adhere to the copyright laws regarding software, data, and authored files. 用户不得传送属于本网站的版权材料 to entities other than this college. 用户下载时应谨慎 来自互联网的材料,因为这种行为可能构成侵犯版权 laws.

b.     It is permitted for Web pages to be printed and material downloaded from the Internet for informational purposes as long as the purpose for such copying falls into the category of “fair use.“合理使用”被定义为著作权的学说 材料可逐字引用,但须注明出处和出处 引用的材料在范围上相当简短.

c.     对于用户侵犯版权,学院概不负责. Such responsibility shall lie solely with the user.

d.     Users guilty of deliberate copyright infringement shall be subject to disciplinary 行动,包括可能的停职、开除或解雇.

5.     个人拥有的计算机硬件/软件

a.     Personally owned software cannot be loaded onto a college-owned computer unless 它与工作职位直接相关,并由适当的系统批准 administrator. 如果任何经批准的个人电脑软件被装入 学院自有计算机,许可证和证件必须留在学院计算机内 on campus in the event of an audit.

b.     Computer hard drives may not be installed or removed without the express written consent of authorized personnel.

6.     Privacy of Information

a.     Information passing through or stored on any Wallace State Community College 电子网络或通信或计算机系统可能被其他人视为一个 variety of reasons. 日常管理、管理或审计功能可能需要 通过pg电子官网州立社区学院的计算机存储或传输的信息 networks to be intercepted. 电子交易可能会受到 pg电子官网州立社区大学,没有通知. All users should fully understand 不能保证通过pg电子官网州立社区传播的信息 学院的电子系统或存储在pg电子官网州立社区学院的系统将 remain private.

b.     Users should respect the privacy of others, including, but not limited to, abstaining from unauthorized access to e-mail, files, data, and transmissions.

c.     All users should be aware of and comply with the Family Educational Rights 和隐私法(FERPA),以及其对使用和传播的限制 personal and academic information.

7.     Computer Crimes

《pg电子官网》,编于《电子pg游戏官网》(1975)§§3A-8-100至 13A-8-103,规定任何人破坏或未经授权修改 计算机设备,计算机网络,计算机程序和供应或没有 authorization to access, examine, or use computer data and programs, and provides for punishment up to a Class B Felony. 联邦法律也规定,获取信息是犯罪行为 computers or computer networks devoted in part to Federal purposes without proper authorization. 任何违反有关计算机的州或联邦法律的行为 也违反了WSCC技术资源可接受使用政策. Furthermore, this policy prohibits various actions (described below) which may or may not constitute a crime.


1.       As a condition of access to the network/Internet resources, employees are 须签署“可接受使用科技资源政策”的确认书 form. Students are also required to sign this form as they enter computer labs on campus. Online students view digital copies of the form in the “Getting Started” area 在在线课程中(如通过Blackboard平台),并且必须承认 了解本政策后通过完成一个小测验来打开自己的剩余在线 course content.

2.       未满18岁的用户必须有未成年人同意表格(可接受附录B) 由家长或法定监护人签署的《pg电子官网》,才有资格使用学院的资料 network/Internet resources. 未成年人访问或正确使用互联网 完全由父母或法定监护人负责.

3.       违反此政策的员工将受到纪律处分 按照阿拉巴马州社区提供的指导方针进行出院 College System (SBE Policy 619.01).

4.       Students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action as stated 在大学目录的学生手册部分.

5.       Community members utilizing open campus computers, such as those in the library, must agree to the institutional “Policy on Acceptable Use of Technology Resources” 并将被禁止使用学校设备和上网 if found in violation of its terms.

Unacceptable Use

禁止在所有WSCC技术资源上进行以下活动. The activities 所列内容仅供参考,并非包罗万象.

1.       未经授权更改系统软件或硬件配置 of the WSCC Technology Department.

2.       Accessing, via the internet or any other means of broadcasting, pornographic, 淫亵,或暴力的图像或内容或任何其他材料违反当地, state, and federal statutes. 利用资源进行赌博,种族歧视,骚扰或 政治竞选也被禁止.

3.       利用技术资源从事非法活动.

4.       Accessing or attempting to access another user’s files, e-mail or other resources 除本协议另有规定外,未经其许可.

5.       Allowing unauthorized persons to utilize an authorized user’s account, user name, or password.

6.       Using technology resources for commercial or profit-making purposes without written authorization from WSCC.

7.       Installing, copying, distributing or using software that has not been authorized 由WSCC校园技术部.

8.       Originating or proliferating electronic mail, broadcasts, or other messages 这可能被视为淫秽、辱骂、种族主义或骚扰.

9.       创建和/或分发病毒或其他破坏性程序.

10.    Unauthorized release or disclosure of any confidential college, personnel, or student information.

11.    Using any computer technology in a manner that violates patent protection or license agreements.

12.    从事任何违反版权法的活动. Such activity may include utilizing WSCC technology to copy and/or distribute copyrighted materials without authorization.

13.    Using WSCC computer technology to support or oppose any candidate or candidates 为公职或任何其他政治目的. (Use of state property for 政治目的构成了对阿拉巴马州法律的违反).

Disciplinary Action

不可接受的使用是被禁止的,并且是失去计算特权的理由,如 well as discipline or legal sanctions under federal, state, and local laws. Students 谁违反了这一政策将受到纪律处分,包括开除 from the college. 违反此政策的员工将受到纪律处分。 直至并包括根据系统政策的解雇.

Social Media

pg电子官网州立社区学院认识到社交媒体在交流中的价值 and engaging with students. 学院的社交媒体网站推广学院课程, 服务和活动,促进学院的使命. Students are 鼓励在大学赞助的社交网站上发表建设性的文章 media sites.


1.       pg电子官网州立大学在Facebook、Twitter、YouTube和 LinkedIn, among others. 这些页面的目的是发展pg电子官网州 虚拟社区,支持招聘和保留,并促进互动性 with the college.

2.       College-sponsored social media accounts are monitored by the WSCC Marketing Department. Questions and comments are welcome; however, inappropriate or uncivil posts will be removed.

3.       学生公开发表意见,应当符合 WSCC学生行为准则中规定的条款和条件.

4.       Public expression in conflict with the college’s Non-Discrimination Policy may contribute to a hostile educational environment and is thus prohibited.

5.       禁止披露专有或机密信息.

6.       WSCC may remove any posts that do not directly support its mission, programs, or services. Posts by third parties that appear to be advertisements for other companies or organizations may also be removed.

7.       If an area or student group wishes to have an item placed on a college site, 将请求发送给市场总监.


1.       Obtain permission from a supervisor.

2.       Obtain permission from the Director of Marketing in advance of the site creation. 请求中应包括该地区希望的社交媒体网站名称 使用,目标受众和目的的社会媒体网站.

3.       学生和员工都不能使用个人账户(一).e., Hotmail, Gmail, etc.) to create Wallace State sites. 在某些情况下,一个普通的pg电子官网州 e-mail account (I.e., maneissue@wallacestate.教育)可能需要创造社会 media site.

4.       学院要求管理所有社交媒体网站 is sanctioned or sponsored by WSCC